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If pear is a color, what single color is it really?

Is it even a single color?

Is it green?

I think not.


I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a pear-inspired colorway for some time now. In my mind, I always knew it wasn’t going to be an herby, earthy green (like the color ‘pear’ is so often represented), but rather a range of rosy golds and earthy neutrals that are sort of a combination of all varieties of pear. I feel like the color ‘pear’ is really more an idea of a multitude of colors that are earthy in their range, but warm in their tone. Sure, there’s got to be some green in there somewhere, but overall it’s a mishmash of glowing, golden rouge.

Let’s say it’s earthy, rosy, warm, and edgy.

You know…all in one.


While I was sketching my ideas for this colorway, I kept taking the same note over and over again on each sketch:

“bits of rust around the edges”

Pears aren’t rusty.

My meaning was more to the effect of including speckles or something that gave the colorway dimension and used those rusty, reddish hues. Also, the dye used to create those “rusty edges” would provide some ruddy shadowing and shading, ultimately giving the colorway its warm glow.


The swathes of herb green that you see throughout, some more intense than others, were added in the end. I didn’t want it to influence the colorway too much, but like I said before, there’s got to be some green in there somewhere.

I’m really happy with this one.

It’s earthy.

It’s rosy.

It’s warm.

It’s edgy.

It’s truly ‘pear’.


It is truly a pleasure creating these colorways and I am so honored that you’re along on the ride with me. I hope you enjoy your yarn as much as I enjoyed creating it and I hope you find bits and pieces of all of this in each stitch you create. Please feel free to join in the conversation by leaving a comment below.

Take care,


Tayler Earl